Thursday 3 May 2012

Morphing The Face

Todays tutorial featured the morpher tool. This was something that I found very interesting and something that I found out will come very handy when working with characters (next year in 3D character modelling). We were provided with a basic face to which we created three instances. To these three faces, different emotions (jaw drop, blinking and eye brow raising).

Polygon selecter tool was used to raise the eyebrows of the far right face, and make the face in the middle blink. The grow tool was used to extend the mouth of the face on the left. Once this was all done, I clicked on the original face and went to the modify tab. I then went to the drop down menu and clicked on morph. When the channels menu poped up, I right clicked and chose add morph from scene and chose a model. I repeated this processes for the rest of the models. This gave the orginal face the traits of all the edited replicas. To finish off the process the orginal face was turbo smoothed and the three morphers hidden from view.

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