Friday 4 May 2012

Problems with Premiere Pro

I am having many issues rendering my files in Adobe Premiere Pro, I have taken the decision to just put my renders and the rest of the files onto a disk and hand them in. The program loads to 50% then crashes.

If Only...

I would class this animation as a success, I have managed to complete more than I was expecting to do. Considering I have never used 3DS I am proud of what I have managed to achieve in the space of time we were given to create the models and the animation. However, I do believe that given more time I would have been able to improve on what I have created. Further improvements to my animation include, adding scenery (such as trees and plants), adding soldiers to march behind the tank, creating a more realistic landscape and improving the lighting by adding more omni lights.

Premier Pro

To stitch together the various scenes of my animation, I used Adobe Premier Pro. This was a steep learning curve as I have never used this software before. I firstly imported all 8 scenes into the program. I then moved them in order onto the time line. I rendered the uncompressed files to make sure that they were in the correct order and they were rendered properly. It was at this point I was able to add my sound, the introduction to the animation and the end credits.

The Render Setup

Rendering was a little harder then expected. Not only did the system take a lot of time to render it also tended to go wrong several times. The settings required to render the project were very tight, thus requiring me to re-render 3 scenes that were required to be uncompressed (where as I had them set up to compress). The settings for the render were as follows:
  • The render was to be in HDTV 720x1280
  • The file was to be uncompressed
  • The file needed to be saved as an .avi

Render Setup

Lights, Camera, Action

For my animation I have used 7 different cameras to get various different angles of my animation. This means there will be 8 different scenes (as I have split the last render into 2). The cameras I have used have been target cameras as I have found they are easier to use and are good for filming the action I wanted in my animation. To focus the camera and zoom in and out of my various different objects I have used the set key, as I found out earlier on in my animation, less can go wrong with the set key.

Camera Setup

I have also decided to use the daylight system lighting, which I have set to Rome (to give my animation that authentic Italian feel). I have also included one omni light in front of the target as this was an area that rendered very dark, due to the target facing away from the daylight system.

Daylight system settings

Rendering Issues

I am currently having a few teething problems with the final scene of my animation. It seems that the render will not go past 9 seconds. I am going to try and split the render up into smaller chuncks of frames. Hopefully this will fix the problem.

Update 04/04/2012 11:50
Unfortunately the problem can't be rectified and as such the animation will be missing a second. It seems that the render will not get any bigger then 0.99GB

Thursday 3 May 2012

Smoke Signals

Following on from the tutorial I posted on my attempt at spray particles and smoke, I have now learnt the art of adding material to the smoke. To start off with I opened up the material editor, I then went down to maps, click on diffuse colour and then none. Once I got to the drop down menu I clickd on particle age.
Options for the particle ages
I changed th colour options within this and went back to the parent. I also removed the glossiness on the material becuase as well all know smoke it not shiny!!

I then changed the opacity, another option found in the maps tab. I again clicked on none and chose mask from the menu. For the map choice I used noise. And for the second choice (mask), I clicked on gradient, and left the settings as they were.

I am hoping to import this smoke with materials into my animation.

Finished smoke with materials