Friday 17 February 2012

My You're Glowing!

Lighting is something that brings the scene to life. You can have the greatest model and the most realist materials but that amounts to nothing if the lighting is in the wrong place.

One ready made pumpkin-turned-jacko lantern later, I was ready to try out the different lighting skill that would be avaliable to me. The first thing I used was the omni light, which I placed with in the pumpkin to act as the candle. This omni light was edited using the modify menu. Within this menu I gave the light a red/orange glow to mimick that of a candle. The next set of lighting I used was the spotlight, to put a spotlight on the lantern and make it look more 'scary'. I again edited the light using the modify tab, this time turning the light green and attempting to add a fog like glow it (this didn't turn out as plan but it does look slightly foggy). All in all one 'scary' pumpkin made 'scary' with the help of lighting (on a day meant for love, Feb 14). At least I know how to make use of lighting effects (kinda).

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