Friday 17 February 2012

Materials Are More Fun

Material Editor with bump tool showing Multi/Sub-Object

Teapot with material
Materials add some reality to the otherwise very plain and flat objects. We learnt to use materials to create a boring teapot into something a little more real. The first thing I did to add the materials was scoure the internet for something the resembled a wood like texture. This was followed up by a bit of fiddling in the material editor, which involved added lumps and bumps to the wood and turning it from a flat wood image to something that resembled a plank. This was created by using the bump tool and adjusting it to the desired setting (this tool should be used with caution as it can look over done). The second technique learnt was how to store several materials in one block, known as Multi/Sub-Object and can be found by clicking on standard (this is next to the name of the material). The several different materials can be used together by simply dividing the object into sections (through the modify menu). This was done to the famous 3DS teapot.

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