Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Make Shift Roman Target

The target is something that the tank can target to practise it's attack skills. I decided to do something that can be easily moved around. So I made something that can be set up quickly should the target be destroyed. I decided that the target should represent a person as it is something that the tank is likely to encounter.

The head of the target is a large grapefruit, this took me back to organic modelling and fruit bowl I created. I stated off with a sphere and modified the shape using soft selection in the modify tab. On top of the 'head' is a Roman helmet, this was done in a similar way to the organic modelling, I started off with a sphere and used so selection to mould it my desired shape. For the body I used a cylinder to which I used the multi/sub object material and changed the set ID on the top and bottom of the cylinder to create a tree stump. I used the lathe tool and illustrator to create the spike on the helmet, along with mental ray materials to make it shine. The platform on which the target is standing was created using a series of boxes, as was the targets arm. The Roman spear was created using a cylinder for the shaft and the cone for the metal spike.
Rendered Target

Close up of Roamn helmet

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